Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Sonstrust vote on SPL 'colt' teams

This article first appeared as Do YOU Want SPL ‘Colts’ In Our League? on the Sonstrust website.

The second of three questions being put to all Dumbarton FC fans by the Sonstrust can now be voted on online – using the link below, and on the Trust and Club Facebook pages.

It concerns the proposal being put forward by the Scottish Premier League that SPL ‘colt’ teams should be permitted to compete in the lower leagues – what are now the SFL Second and Third Divisions. The precise nature of what is being suggested is unclear at present – but the media rumour is that it will apply only to the SPL ‘elite’.

Fans of Scottish League Clubs overwhelmingly rejected the idea in the Supporters Direct survey, which 5,000 people participated in, as did representatives of all but three of 33 Trusts at a meeting in Falkirk on 23 January 2011.

However, the Sonstrust believes the question should be put directly to Dumbarton fans as part of our poll – which will be used to seek action from DFC, the SFL and others in advance of decisions which the SPL is planning to make “within the next few weeks“. We gave some more background on the issue here.

Do you want SPL ‘colt’ teams allowed to play in the lower leagues?

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